Edger Development System Workshop

Join us for a workshop on the Edger Development System

When: Wed, Nov. 9, 2022  | Doors open @6:30pm, program runs from 7-9pm
Where: The Forge Initiative, Apex, NC
Registration: Please RSVP. Space is limited and we need to know how many kits to prepare.
All are welcome, but you must RSVP to attend.
RSVP: https://donorbox.org/events/379339
Contact: info@edger.app
During the workshop we’ll:
·           plug in components on a white solderless breadboard
·           flash the board’s ESP32 with the Edger Development System
·           test the boards
“White dev board 2” instructions

Kits include:
1.       Solderless breadboard
2.      Espressif ESP32 c3 dev board
3.      USBmini breakout for easy JTAG debugging
4.      Renesas ForgeFPGA DIP module
5.      2 LEDs
6.      2 Resistors
7.      12 precut wires

Each kit contains $25 worth of parts. If you intend to take a kit home with you, please use Paypal (pete@soper.us – friends and family) to reimburse the cost. Thanks!

Note: To flash the boards, attendees will need to either
·           bring a Linux laptop
·           request a flashdrive w/ the Edger system pre-loaded

last update November 8, 2022



